This paper suggests that the upcoming elections in Iraq will not be game-changers, but merely support the extension of the current domination of polit...
This report focuses on the borderland region between Sudan and Ethiopia, using gold-mining and trade to examine transnational flows of people and comm...
The Iraqi-Syrian border continues to be geopolitically restless. Kurdish parties have taken advantage of central government weaknesses to increase t...
In Baghdad, violence, property and consumption are inextricably linked. This has spawned social-spatial transformations benefitting the political-econ...
As Egypt and Ethiopia negotiate the details of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, tensions are on the rise. Sudan, which has vested interest in the ...
By surveying the views of federal and local officials with direct experiences of the decentralisation process in Iraq, this paper seeks to understand ...
This report, prepared by the Afghan Center for Socio-Economic and Opinion Research (ACSOR), conveys findings through a qualitative analysis to unders...
The Ta’ang National Liberation Army and Kachin Independence Army have fought side by side for decades, but recent abuses against civilians underscore ...
The Kayah State government’s fast-tracking of a Chinese company’s proposal to invest tens of millions of dollars in a forgotten industrial zone in the...