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Middle East and North Africa




11 Articles found

Research report

24th July 2024
This XCEPT research paper from Chatham House explores how the movement of people from Edo State fuels the Libyan conflict economy


31st March 2023
In this Twitter Space, join Senior Research Fellow, Tim Eaton and Project Manager, Leah de Haan for a deep dive into the interaction of conflict dynam...


30th March 2023
In Libya’s northwestern city of Zawiya, where migrants make up a quarter of the population, those involved in human smuggling and trafficking present ...


10th February 2023
The case of Kufra raises difficult questions for policymakers over what interventions to support in places that have come to thrive on illicit cross-b...


23rd November 2022
Across parts of Africa, conflict – both local and global – is compounding the negative economic effects of COVID-19, with price increases causing hard...


15th December 2021
Joint bulletin from The Asia Foundation, Rift Valley Institute, and Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center about recent research and activities.

Research report

16th July 2021
This XCEPT research report examines the intersection of armed actors, gold mining and migration in the tri-border area of Chad, Libya and Sudan. The...

Research report

3rd September 2020
Along the border between Tunisia and Libya, informal trade agreements led to a tight-knit border economy. But political changes in both Libya and Tuni...

Research report

11th June 2020
Along the Egypt-Sudan border, tensions have been rising for several decades despite limited efforts at cooperation. Both countries need to reexamine t...

Research report

27th May 2020
Smuggling goods across the border between Algeria and Tunisia has created a parallel economy for marginalized border populations. Law enforcement and ...


29th April 2020
Economies in the Middle East and North Africa are suffering from supply chain problems due to the coronavirus.


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