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Violent and Peaceful Behaviour

International conflict response often centres on halting fighting, achieving political stability, and ‘fixing’ the state. These are necessary, but not sufficient steps to building peace. The whole-of-society recovery process is equally critical. Without addressing the long-term impacts of violence and trauma on individuals, families and communities, the risk of resurgent violence remains. XCEPT research on violent and peaceful behaviour examines how people return to  peaceful social functioning after war, with a focus on those most traumatised by conflict. This is the pool of people at greatest risk of returning to violence.

Below you can find and download publications by XCEPT partners on the factors that influence violent and peaceful behaviour, and explores ways to sustainably reduce violence, support  recovery and enable peace and reconciliation.


22nd July 2024
XCEPT  researcher Nils Mallock on his experience researching the psychological causes of violent and high-risk political action in Iraq and Lebanon.


16th April 2024
In this interview, Dr Omar Mohammed discusses the Green Mosul initiative, which was launched by the Mosul Eye Association in 2021 and leaves a legacy ...


14th February 2024
President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine recently remarked that, in the post-war world, ‘the accumulated pain of the war … only becomes more unbearable...


2nd February 2024
Tens of thousands of children currently live in dire conditions in Al-Hol camp in Syria – and there are concerns this makes them vulnerable to radical...


19th January 2024
Dr Heidi Riley and Beth Heron discuss their research into conflict trauma in men and boys.


11th January 2024
Dr Cook talks to Dr Fiona McEwen about the different ways a child’s life can be impacted when a family member is involved in violent extremism.


4th January 2024
In a new episode of the Breaking Cycles of Conflict mini-series, XCEPT researchers Dr Craig Larkin, Dr Inna Rudolf, and Dr Rajan Basra explore issues ...


3rd January 2024
As conflict at Lebanon’s border with Israel continues to escalate, this blog explores how Lebanon’s legacy of war memory is shaping fears and response...


17th October 2023
Visiting Lebanon today, it is difficult to escape the feeling that a collective sense of hopelessness has settled across the country, haunting and tor...


13th October 2023
By understanding the impact of conflict and violence in northeast Syria, informal education programmes can strengthen adolescent resilience to radical...

Research report

5th October 2023
Labelling Iraqi children as ISIS-affiliated has far-reaching consequences for their future, whether living inside or outside Iraq.

Briefing paper

31st August 2023
This policy paper assesses the impact of imprisonment and Lebanon’s criminal justice system on radicalisation and violent extremism.


23rd August 2023
Federica Calissano explores what we really mean when we talk about resilience in the context of violent extremism, and questions if it’s the most effe...


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