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Communities that sit in conflict-affected borderlands are often subject to a complex combination of cultural and geographical factors. XCEPT’s research into these conflict areas explores local governance, other influential actors, and the alternative institutions and strategies that borderland communities rely upon to protect themselves against violence and abuse. It also examines how economic transitions, markets, and trade are affected by changes in the social and political context of a borderland community.

Below you can find and download publications by XCEPT partners that investigate the unique contexts of conflict-affected borderlands.


11th February 2021
As Egypt and Ethiopia negotiate the details of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, tensions are on the rise. Sudan, which has vested interest in the ...


21st January 2021
By impeding research, Egypt curtails knowledge that can help resolve crises, especially in border areas.


13th January 2021
Displaced Tastes is a collaborative research project run by the Rift Valley Institute and the Catholic University of South Sudan as part of the X-Bord...

Briefing paper

11th December 2020
In February 2020, South Sudan’s president, Salva Kiir, appointed Hussein Abdel Bagi — head of the South Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA) — as one o...

Research report

20th November 2020
This report, prepared by the Afghan Center for Socio-Economic and Opinion Research (ACSOR), conveys findings through a qualitative analysis to unders...

Research report

4th November 2020
The study asks two core questions: First, how do residents in the borderlands of South Sudan seek survival, welfare and better lives in the economies ...


XCEPT Workshop: Local, People-Focused Policymaking

26th October 2022
Addressing securitization in conflict zones in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia


20th August 2020
The session provides insights into the needs of refugees, their coping strategies, family ties abroad, and the adequacy and limitations of the current...


2nd October 2020
Turkey is altering the nature of Syrian border areas, perhaps presaging more far-reaching steps.


22nd September 2020
The Ta’ang National Liberation Army and Kachin Independence Army have fought side by side for decades, but recent abuses against civilians underscore ...


14th September 2020
Women are increasingly joining the male-dominated world of smuggling. Could this be the start of a cultural revolution that challenges long-held gende...

Research report

9th September 2020
This paper describes the ways that individuals and families living in refugee camps in Bangladesh cope with hardship and displacement.


7th September 2020
The Kayah State government’s fast-tracking of a Chinese company’s proposal to invest tens of millions of dollars in a forgotten industrial zone in the...


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