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Communities that sit in conflict-affected borderlands are often subject to a complex combination of cultural and geographical factors. XCEPT’s research into these conflict areas explores local governance, other influential actors, and the alternative institutions and strategies that borderland communities rely upon to protect themselves against violence and abuse. It also examines how economic transitions, markets, and trade are affected by changes in the social and political context of a borderland community.

Below you can find and download publications by XCEPT partners that investigate the unique contexts of conflict-affected borderlands.


28th April 2023
Border crossings figure prominently in Iran’s strategy to ensure its control over Iraq. But despite the Iraqi population’s desire to distance itself f...

Research report

19th April 2023
This report examines how cross-border tensions and interlinked crises in Ethiopia and Sudan jeopardize security and development in those countries and...

Research report

5th April 2023
Ongoing negotiations between Syria and Türkiye may change the outlines of their border regions. But they won’t alter the basic reality of cantonizatio...


4th April 2023
The effort to secure Iraq’s borders after the defeat of ISIS has created other, new sources of instability, as conflict supply chains adapt to new cir...

Research report

31st March 2023
The research explores conflict and instability in Chin State, Myanmar’s western border region with India, since the 2021 military coup. It examines sh...


XCEPT Workshop: Local, People-Focused Policymaking

26th October 2022
Addressing securitization in conflict zones in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia


27th March 2023
Logging has surged amid the post-coup conflict, with sanctions pushing smugglers to open new routes to India, while activists and locals accuse both t...

Research report

22nd March 2023
Serbia leveraged migrating Tunisians to pressure the EU, until closing the route last November. Yet other countries will continue to use migrants to g...


22nd March 2023
As the conflict in Yemen continues, one lesser-known aspect—the maritime stakes for Saudi Arabia and the UAE—will need to be addressed for the best ch...


28th March 2023
This online XCEPT panel discussion assessed the differing impacts on the Horn of Africa and Syria of disruption of global commodities, such as grain, ...


16th March 2023
Thousands fled Myanmar after the coup to India’s northeastern border state, where the local authorities and communities have offered protection and he...


1st March 2023
A Chinese state-owned company and the military regime are quietly pushing forward with a railway line that would run through active conflict zones, af...


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