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7th September 2020
The Kayah State government’s fast-tracking of a Chinese company’s proposal to invest tens of millions of dollars in a forgotten industrial zone in the...

Research report

3rd September 2020
Along the border between Tunisia and Libya, informal trade agreements led to a tight-knit border economy. But political changes in both Libya and Tuni...


2nd September 2020
The Covid-19 crisis has once again focused attention on political fragmentation in Myanmar, especially along ethnic divides.


23rd July 2020
Local politicians in a border region known for its frequent outbreaks of violence hope to transform it into the “next Macau”, but will have to overcom...


18th June 2020
The Yemen conflict has affected Saudi border areas and is changing the public’s thinking in the kingdom.

Research report

11th June 2020
Along the Egypt-Sudan border, tensions have been rising for several decades despite limited efforts at cooperation. Both countries need to reexamine t...


XCEPT Workshop: Local, People-Focused Policymaking

26th October 2022
Addressing securitization in conflict zones in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia


15th April 2020
In an interview, Harith Hasan and Kheder Khaddour discuss their recent paper on the Iraqi-Syrian border.

Research report

31st March 2020
The Iraqi-Syrian border near Qaim and Bukamal has become a magnet for conflict, as Iraqi and Syrian state actors compete with Iranian-backed nonstate ...

Research report

31st March 2020
Mahra in eastern Yemen has relied on a tribal code of conduct to escape the worst excesses of the country’s civil war. Localized forms of conflict man...

Research report

19th March 2020
Traditional modalities of the aid industry are not fit for purpose in a world where transnationalism is a daily reality for communities.

Briefing paper

1st March 2020
Hussein Abdel Bagi’s appointment as the third Vice-President of South Sudan is an important building block for the Transitional Government of National...

Briefing paper

20th February 2020
This paper explains the significance of bread and sorghum in the political changes Sudan seen in 2019.


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