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Middle East and North Africa



Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

12 Articles found


1st August 2024
This XCEPT article analyses how Gulf states such as Saudi Arabia and the UAE have determined that their national security goes beyond their physical b...


9th July 2024
Bashar al-Assad’s regime has used the drug partly as a means of ensuring that Syria is reintegrated into the Arab world, allowing its leadership to re...


12th March 2024
In an interview with Michael Young, a senior editor at the Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut and editor of Diwan, Carnegie’s Middl...


22nd March 2023
As the conflict in Yemen continues, one lesser-known aspect—the maritime stakes for Saudi Arabia and the UAE—will need to be addressed for the best ch...


27th January 2022
The attack of January 17 will force the United Arab Emirates to make one of two choices, neither of them desirable.


23rd December 2021
Rising pressure against Lebanon from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states may well be tied to Hezbollah’s role in Yemen.

Research report

14th June 2021
Border markets on Yemen’s northwestern border with Saudi Arabia gave rise to a distinct economic system and bridged communities. Yet the war in Yeme...

Research report

31st March 2021
Over time, the Kuwait-Saudi border has developed a unique, flexible approach of firm physical boundaries but open economic boundaries. This approach...


29th September 2020
As the scope of the fighting in Ma’rib intensifies, the signs of an attritional conflict without end are strengthening.


18th June 2020
The Yemen conflict has affected Saudi border areas and is changing the public’s thinking in the kingdom.

Research report

31st March 2020
Mahra in eastern Yemen has relied on a tribal code of conduct to escape the worst excesses of the country’s civil war. Localized forms of conflict man...


19th October 2018
In Mahrah Governorate, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are working to curtail Omani influence.


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